fredag 24 december 2010


  • 2 large plants of kale
  • broth - why not bacon?
  • lard, or maybe butter if preferred
  • 1 tsp fennel seeds
  • 1 tsp dried chervil
  • 1 pinch of cloves
  • ½ - 1 cup of cream
  • sugar, salt and white pepper to taste
  • consider adding fresh chervil
  1. Rinse and clean the kale and shred the leaves from the thick main veins.
  2. Boil the kale in the broth with the chervil and fennel seeds until the kale is soft, it should take about half an hour.
  3. Remove the kale from the broth. Chop it finely into long, thin strips.
  4. Fry the kale in a pan with your choice of fat. Add cream, salt and some sugar. Season with white pepper and cloves. Let simmer until thick.
  5. You can chop fresh chervil and sprinkle over the dish right before serving.
By Anna Billing translated from

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